
Cockroach Exterminator

Cockroaches may be the most dreaded of the pests that may infest a home or business. These bugs have been around for as long as 200 million years, and despite humans’ best efforts to keep them away, they have proven they’re here to stay. However, that doesn’t mean we must accept them being in our homes or business.

Cockroaches tend to be attracted to the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. Those rooms cover their most significant interests: food, water, and shelter. Bathrooms and laundry rooms are especially easy for them to enter because they can squeeze through pipes and drains or squish through baseboards or underneath doors. Plus, both have a good amount of moisture, which attracts them.

You’re most likely to see German cockroaches on your property. The nocturnal creatures favor warm, humid areas, so Texas is perfect for them. They’re known for their horrible odor, both while alive and if you manage to squish one. They’re also responsible for destroying fabrics and paper products, leaving stains behind as they crawl around. 

Wherever cockroaches go, they spread dirt and disease. They bring germs that contaminate food and the surfaces they walk on, making them especially dangerous since they favor the kitchen so much. These insects eat as much as half of their body weight daily, so they spend a lot of time seeking food sources. If food becomes scarce, they will eat each other. They also leave behind hair and body parts that serve as major allergens and pose huge problems for people with asthma, especially younger people.

If you have even one roach in your house or business, you may notice that it’s extremely tough to kill. They are protected by hard exoskeletons that serve as armor against a shoe or other tools people use to try to squash them; further, they have flexible bodies that let them squish down to avoid damage. 

These shields come into play if, and only if, you can catch them in the first place. Cockroaches can run as fast as three miles an hour, the equivalent of a human running 200 miles an hour. Plus, they speed up extraordinarily quickly, taking off in just 8.2 milliseconds, compared with a human’s 110-millisecond start speed. That’s possible because of their six legs, which include three knees. The extra joint movement helps them move more quickly, and once they’re on the go, they raise their hind legs to run even faster.

Southeast Texas is home to some gnarly critters. If you have an infestation, it won’t go away without a carefully crafted plan to eradicate bugs from your premises, take steps to ensure they don’t return, and have regular check-ups for maintenance. The experts at Bed Bug Texas Termite & Pest Control are locals who know what they’re up against regarding Conroe and Montgomery-area bugs. Our family-owned company takes our work and customers’ happiness seriously, and we do not rest until we know our clients are satisfied. Contact us today.