And Other Popular Myths About Bed Bugs

Everybody loves a good horror story, but what about these tiny pests inspire us to embellish so wildly? People seem to live in terror of these little insects, and they believe some crazy things about them, too. We cannot help but think it’s just a matter of time before this dreaded parasite gets the Hollywood treatment.

Eaten! (Rated R-you kidding me) A young, unsuspecting honeymooner gets eaten alive by a massive swarm of mutant, bloodthirsty bugs. The distraught husband (Dwayne Johnson) discovers that only a subatomic heat laser gun can kill them.

Alright, enough of that, but you get the idea. Our point is that there are lots of bed bug myths circulating out there. Are they that bad and worthy of our fear? Undoubtedly. They are a plague not just in Texas but around the globe, and they are only getting worse. But misinformation and exaggeration only make combating these troublesome pests more difficult. So, we’re stepping up as the real heroes of this story. (Sorry, Rock!)

As you might guess by our name, we know a thing or two about bed bugs. In this article, we’ll dispel those crazy myths and misinformation once and for all and explain what every homeowner truly needs to know:

Myth #1: Only Dirty People Get Bed Bugs

Completely false. Anyone can suffer an infestation. They feed on blood, not Dorito crumbs! Your blood has all the nutrients they need to survive, like real-live vampires, albeit tiny ones. They are attracted to living bodies. They usually get into your home by hitching a ride on packages, luggage, or clothing. They don’t care if your home—or your body—is clean or dirty. So, you do you, folks! It won’t make much of a difference.

Myth #2: Bed Bugs Are So Tiny You Can’t See Them

Not true. Adults are brown and about the same size as an apple seed. Immature nymphs are also visible, although they’ll be smaller than the adults and often more of a translucent, white-yellowish color. Even their eggs can be seen. Those are white and about the same size as a large grain of salt but more elongated in shape, like a capsule. If you’ve got them, that’s where they’ll be! So, you’ll be able to spot bed bugs in any stage of development as long as you know where to look. Check your bedding along the nooks, crannies, and seams of your mattress, box spring, and other furniture.

Myth #3: Bed Bugs Spread Disease

Untrue—mostly. There has been no substantial evidence yet showing they transmit diseases that are contagious to humans. However, they do sometimes carry a parasite called Trypanosoma cruzi that has been linked to Chagas disease, which causes inflammation and produces flu-like symptoms. The CDC doesn’t acknowledge that link yet. Still, they do classify this pest as a health hazard mainly because bed bug bites itch like crazy, and constant scratching causes skin problems, secondary skin infections, and allergic reactions. Plus, there are psychological implications. After all, what’s more, disturbing than the thought of thousands of tiny blood-sucking insects crawling over your body and biting you while you’re sleeping? They can cause emotional distress and insomnia to an extreme degree.

Myth #4: Bed Bugs Can’t Get Me If I Leave The Lights On

That might work in the movies, but sorry, it won’t work in your bedroom (or in any of the hotel rooms these pests infest worldwide). While it’s true that they prefer to do their dirty work in darkness, leaving the light on won’t dissuade them for long. Light or dark, they’re going to get you. Nightmare on Elm Street it’s not, and you’ve got to fall asleep sooner or later.

Myth #5: DIY Pesticides Work To Eliminate Bed Bug Infestations

This myth is an especially troubling one because it is untrue. Many different over the counter pesticides no longer work well to exterminate this parasite. They have evolved and developed an immunity to several of the products once used successfully against them. Treating an infestation is now more of a war story than a horror one. It takes diligence, perseverance, special pesticides, in-depth cleaning, and sometimes even aggressive tactics like mattress encasement and heat treatment. (No, Rock, put down the subatomic heat laser gun. It’s never going to be a thing!) Professional help is your best option and often the only thing to get rid of them for good.

The Best Way To End Your Bed Bug Woes

If you’ve got a pest problem in the Conroe or Montgomery area, the hero of your story should be Bed Bug Texas Termite & Pest Control. We’ve got five stars for a reason, and that’s not for hammy, over-the-top acting. Nobody can eliminate infestations as we can. Contact us today, and we’ll demonstrate how it’s done.