There’s More Than Grass Living In Your Yard!

We have a lot of wildlife in Texas. Walk out your door on any given day, and you might encounter several larger creatures roaming around, including skunks, foxes, armadillos, rodents, and much more. The dangers of encountering these animals in your yard are real. Indeed, some of the pests in Texas are not just scary; they can be destructive, aggressive, and even sometimes deadly. But for the average homeowner, it’s the smallest wildlife, arachnids, and insects, typically lurking in your yard and posing the most problems.

Common Yard Pests Lurking In The Conroe And Montgomery Area

Spiders – Encounters are frightening, and you are just as likely to find a Black Widow or Brown Recluse in your grass as in your attic (and many other species).

Scorpions – They love to hang out in yards, especially if you have rocky terrain. Striped Bark Scorpions are plentiful in the area and an ongoing problem because they are excellent climbers and excel at getting inside homes. A scorpion sting is excruciating and may require medical attention.

Mites – These tiny pests are arachnids just like scorpions and spiders, but they are so tiny that they are virtually impossible to see with the naked eye. This species includes white mites, which can decimate your garden, and chiggers, the larvae of Red Harvest Mites. Chiggers feed on our skin and cause an intensely itchy, blistering rash that can last for weeks.

Mosquitoes One of the most annoying insects on the planet and cause more death and illness than any other living creature. They can make your yard a difficult place to enjoy and a dangerous place for your children and pets to play.

Stinging Insects – Another common nuisance in our yards and a widespread phobia for a good reason. Of course, nobody wants to be stung, but they can cause structural damage, too. Like many paper wasps and hornets, some species build nests right in the ground, while others target your house. It is trouble when stinging insects claim your yard as their territory.

Ants – They may be tiny, but did you know they vastly outnumber us? Ants cause mayhem inside our homes as well as out in our yards. Fire ants, carpenter ants, You name them, we’ve got them, and they are invasive little troublemakers that cause property damage, contaminate our food sources, and spread disease.

Termites These destructive nuisances outnumber us, too (they even collectively outweigh us), and they are the most destructive insect in the world. We’ve got lots of them in and around the Conroe and Montgomery area, especially the Formosan Subterranean variety. They eat wood nonstop and can turn your house into an unstable crumbling mess if left unchecked. Most Formosan Subterranean termite nests can be located in the yard but are often underground and out of sight.

Fleas And Ticks – They are among the most problematic yard invaders. Both of these bloodsucking parasites prey on humans as well as our pets. When an infestation occurs (inside or out), it can make you miserable and very sick. Fleas spread zoonotic pathogens like plague, typhus, and tularemia and have been linked to some of the worst epidemics in history. They also cause Dipylidium infection, aka tapeworms which occurs when a flea is accidentally ingested. Although tapeworm infection is most common in pets, it can also happen to people. On the other hand, ticks don’t spread worms but transmit many other diseases and are infamous for spreading Lyme disease.

How To Minimize The Presence Of Yard Pests

Just because many of these yard pests are common, it doesn’t mean you can’t take some steps to minimize them. Keeping your yard clean and free of clutter and debris can make a big difference. Pests look for places to hide, so the fewer spots you give them to do that, the better. It also helps to minimize attractants like water and food sources. Plus, keep your grass trimmed short and your vegetation neat. While a yard brimming with lush, abundant vegetation appeals to the eye, it also entices pests.

When You Need A Pro

Sometimes no matter what you do, you can still have problems with yard pests. The best way to combat those issues is by enlisting the aid of the area’s top-rated pest control professional, Bed Bug Texas Termite & Pest Control. We’re local, affordable, reliable, and ready to assist you. We can handle the yard invaders and many more. Contact us today.